This morning when I arrived to the Children's Hospital @ Mt. Sinai Yhoalibeth had already been moved from the ICU to the Pediatric floor. I'm glad to report shes doing amazing! Although she is still very swollen, she is getting stronger and improving everyday.
Its funny, because although she still can't open her little eyes her other senses are to the nines. If you give her your pointer finger she will hold on to it and squeeze it hard, and that coupled with the sound of your distinct voice she can immediately identify who you are. I tried to play a little game with her, but she was to smart, she knew immediately knew when I passed off my hand to her mother Evelyn or to my MOM. Another good sign was that she began eating solid food again today. She finished a whole bag of grapes. She"s also a big fan of the gummi worms. Specifically, her routine with her eyes closed mind you, is to decapitate their little heads eat them first, and then stuff the remaining gummy bodies whole into her mouth.
Also great news on the housing front. Thanks to the Ronald McDonald house on the UES Evelyn and will have an affordable place to live for her post-surgical recuperation. She is scheduled to be released sometime next week from the Hospital and visitors will be more then welcome to stop by and say hi or just share some companionship during Yhoalibeth's recovery @ the RONALD MCDONALD house at 73rd St between 1st and York Aves. I will let everybody know once she is discharged from the Hospital. It's absolutely amazing how in only 3 full days she has shown so much improvement and progress after a 8+ hr surgery. What an incredibly resilient little fighter!
P.S.: Make sure you bring some grapes and gummi bears with you if you visit her next week, cause she loves them. That and Dora the Explorer...haha
Hoy fue un buen dia, encontramos a Yhoalibeth ya en el piso regular Pediatrico, fuera de Cuidados Intensivos, bien alerta, hablaba, hacia preguntas, queria ver Dora la Exploradora y a Jorge el Curioso aunque sus ojitos siguen hinchaditos. Paso el Dr. Bederson quien estuvo muy satisfecho con las resonancias de ayer, y estimo que quizas podria darle de alta la semana que viene. Se le quito el cateter, y ya se podia sentar. Eli se quedo con ella, mientras que Pedro, Andrew y yo nos llevamos a Evelyn para registrarse en el Ronald McDonald House. Es un edificio imponente en la 73 St., entre York and 1st Ave. de once pisos con 82 habitaciones. Tienen cocinas comunales super modernas, y lo mejor es que habran otros chicos con quienes podra jugar y relacionarse mientras se recupere y siga su tratamiento. Ellas estan en el 1102, habitacion con 2 camas y banho privado, parece un hotel de 3 estrellas. Creo que todo va viento en popa....estamos ya mas tranquilos, tanto asi que me siento comodo como para no cancelar la asistencia a una conferencia que habia programado desde casi un anho atras . Estare fuera de NY unos dias, y se que la recuperacuion de Yhoalibeth sera normal, y en caso de cualquier eventualidad ya tenemos al Dr. Shulman, Andrew, Ana Maria y Pedro listos para resolverlos. Y Andrew les seguira contando de la saga de esta ninha brava y campeona...... Jorge
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